Topic outline

  • Welcome

    20-44 - Personal Lines Agent Pre-licensing

    This is a demo version of the Personal Lines Agent Pre-licensing course.  The first 3 sections are complete, and we also share a portion of one of the last sections with free practice materials.


    Jan BradburnShould you ever have questions about the content of the course, you may email your instructor, Jan Bradburn at:

    Click on your instructor's name to email her from within your course (have popups turned on) also add her as a contact in your Messages Block.

    Should you have any technical issues or questions, please email us at, or call us toll-free at 866-357-0841.

    It is highly recommended that you thoroughly understand the material before attempting the Course Final Exam as you will need a score of 70% or higher to pass. The Course final exam is worth 50% of your grade. A classroom course gives you one attempt at a Final Exam, we give you two attempts. (If you fail the first attempt, you will be allowed a second attempt after 16 hours. If you fail the second attempt, you will have failed the course and no additional attempts will be permitted. You will need to contact OnLine Training or the college that you registered through if you wish to re-enroll in this course.) Once you complete the entire course, click on, fill out AND submit your Grade Submittal Form. Please allow up to thirty (30) business days to receive your Certificate of Completion. 

    Once you pass the final exam, you MUST fill out and submit your "Grade Submittal Form" in order for OnLine Training to receive your course completion. Please don't forget to check the box that says "Required - By checking this box, I affirm........" or else we will NOT receive your course completion. Keep in mind, You will be required to re-purchase the course if you do not pass the final exam with a 70% or higher on one of the two attempts. 

    We are pleased to offer a series of practice exams to help you pass this course and the state exam. These tests (while not required or part of your grade) will help you prepare for a computerized examination as well as demonstrate strengths and weaknesses in your knowledge of covered material. We currently have available one Practice Exam for each Unit as well as two Practice Final Exams. Our Practice Exams offer questions very similar to those found on the Final exam and are a great way study as they include explanations similar to our Remember responses in the lessons.  You will not find these explanations on the Final Exam.

    Important Note: By taking this online course, you have agreed to acknowledge the understanding that the online course testing must be completed unassisted by any person, course material or other aides. You further acknowledge that a violation of this shall result in the loss of course credit and administrative sanction by the Florida Department of Financial Services.

    © Copyright OnLine Training, Inc. All rights reserved.
    This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.
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  • Unit One – General Information Lesson

    Get Prepared

    Take your time studying, and break up long periods of studying with short rests. Take the practice exams to get an idea of what to expect on the unit exams and Final Exam.

    Reading Assignment: Pages 10-15; 21-22; 24; 25-26

    • Quiz icon
      Unit 1 - Exam Quiz
      Not available unless: The activity Unit 1 - Lesson 1 is marked complete
  • Unit Two – Property and Liability Insurance Concepts Lesson

    Get Prepared

    Take your time studying, and break up long periods of studying with short rests. Take the practice exams to get an idea of what to expect on the unit exams and Final Exam.

    Reading Assignment: Pages 29-42

    • Quiz icon
      Unit 2 - Exam Quiz
      Not available unless:
  • Unit Three – Automobile Insurance

    Get Prepared

    Take your time studying, and break up long periods of studying with short rests. Take the practice exams to get an idea of what to expect on the unit exams and Final Exam.

    Reading Assignment: Pages 44-65

    • Quiz icon
      Unit 3 - Exam Quiz
      Not available unless:
  • Unit Four – Homeowner Insurance and Related Coverages

    Get Prepared

    Take your time studying, and break up long periods of studying with short rests. Take the practice exams to get an idea of what to expect on the unit exams and Final Exam.

    Reading Assignment: Pages 66-75

  • Unit Five - The Dwelling and Flood Programs

    Get Prepared

    Take your time studying, and break up long periods of studying with short rests. Take the practice exams to get an idea of what to expect on the unit exams and Final Exam.

    Reading Assignment: Pages 75-84

  • Unit Six - Personal Liability, Personal Inland Marine And Excess Liability/Umbrella

    Get Prepared

    Take your time studying and break up long periods of studying with short rests. Take the practice exams to get an idea of what to expect on the unit exams and Final Exam.

    Reading Assignment: Pages 84-88

  • Unit Seven – Residual Markets and Health Insurance

    Get Prepared

    Take your time studying, and break up long periods of studying with short rests. Take the practice exams to get an idea of what to expect on the unit exams and Final Exam.

    Reading Assignment: Pages 183-190; 191-194

  • Unit Eight - Insurance Ethics and Unauthorized Insurance Entities

    Get Prepared

    Take your time studying, and break up long periods of studying with short rests. Take the practice exams to get an idea of what to expect on the Unit exams and Final Exam.

    Reading Assignment: Pages 198-206

  • Unit Nine - Discounts for Wind Mitigation, Fl Insurance Guaranty Association, Fl Surplus Lines

    Get Prepared

    Take your time studying, and break up long periods of studying with short rests. Take the practice exams to get an idea of what to expect on the unit exams and Final Exam.

    Reading Assignment: Pages 207-210

  • Unit Ten – Florida Statutes, Rules & Regulations

    Get Prepared

    Take your time studying, and break up long periods of studying with short rests. Take the practice exams to get an idea of what to expect on the unit exams and Final Exam.

    Reading Assignment: Pages 211-261

  • Additional Activities

    These activites are not required!  They are free, value added study aids to help you pass the course and the state exam.

    Each has been developed by our Instructor whose goal is to help you earn your license.

  • Final Coursework

    Please use the Practice Exams as a final practice for your Exam.

    You must have scored at least an 70% on each Unit Exam in order to take the Final Exam, and you must score at least an 70% on the final exam to successfully complete the course.

    Your final grade in the course is 50% the Unit Exams and 50% the Final Exam.

    The Practice Exams, Lessons, and Additional Activities do not count toward your course Grade.